It is just a little while ago since I started this blog. At the moment I have been nominated for the Liebster Award twice! By Anne and Joyce. This award is created for new bloggers, so they can tell a little bit about themselve. This comes in combination with 11 questions. And I may nominate 11 other bloggers for this award!

1. What do you do in your daily life?
I work for an interior designer, so I make all architectural drawings and help out were I can.
2. Which place would you like to visit?
I would love to vist so many places, but Hawaii, Australia and South Africa are in my top 3.
3. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
Daily life is a great inspiration for me. Everyone I meet, everthing I see is inspiring.
4. What are you proud of the most in your life?
That I made the decision to quit the university and to find a job.
5. What would you do with a million euro's?
Buy a lovely house and vist Hawaii.
6. What do you enjoy the most?
Going on holiday and explore new places.
7. Is there something you would like to do, but never had the chance to do?
I would love to travel through Australia with a little camper.
8. For what can we wake you up in the middle of the night?
9. On what handmade item are you very proud?
Nothing in particular.
10. What is very annoying to you?
People who think that they know everything better than someone else.
11. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Working from 9 am to 6 pm.
My new questions for the bloggers I nominate:
1. What are your favorite activities? (Wat zijn je favoriete bezigheden? )
2. What happend in your life that you didn't want to miss out on? (Wat heb je ooit meegemaakt wat je absoluut niet had willen missen?)
3. Were are you afraid of? (Waarvoor ben je bang?)
4. Why did you started your blog? (Wat maakt het dat je een weblog hebt gestart?)
5. What do you want to say with your blog? (Wat wil je uitdragen met je weblog)
6. Who inspires you and why? (Wie of wat geeft jou inspiratie en waarom?)7. Name 5 things you would't like to do in your life. (Welke vijf dingen wil je ooit nog eens doen of meemaken?)
8. On what accomplishment are you proud? (Op welke prestatie ben je het meest trots en waarom?)
9. You may take 3 things with you on holiday, what items will that be? (Stel je mag drie dingen meenemen wanneer je op vakantie gaat, wat neem je mee en waarom?)
10. What is your favorite blog? (Wat is je favoriete weblog?)
11. What is your favorite quote? (Wat is je favoriete quote?)
I, unfortunately, don't know 11 starting bloggers, so if you want to be added to this list, please send me a message!
Nominated bloggers:
1. Dorine
2. Sacha
3. Jacqueline
4. Majella
5. Wendy
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BeantwoordenVerwijderenDankjewel Daphne, voor de moeite. Leuk om jouw antwoorden te lezen.